
Donations to CounterCorp can take many forms — financial contributions, providing goods and services, sponsorships, and volunteering your time, skills, and experience.

Financial Contributions


The easiest way to donate to CounterCorp is online — through the secure PayPal account of our non-profit fiscal agent, Independent Arts & Media — by clicking or on the button below:


If you find small monthly contributions more manageable than a single annual one, you can choose a recurring donation of $5 or $10 a month. That's roughly the same as buying CounterCorp a beer or glass of wine each month (but a lot easier to schedule).


You won't even notice such a small amount of money ($5 a month is less than 20 cents a day), but collectively those regular donations help to provide CounterCorp with a steady source of support that allows us to focus on organizing and expanding our programming.


If you'd prefer to donate by check, you can send contributions in any amount (made out to "Independent Arts & Media", with "CounterCorp" in the memo line) to:

c/o Independent Arts and Media
P.O. Box 420442
San Francisco, CA 94142


Goods and Services


If you'd prefer to donate goods or services instead of funds, send us an e-mail (by selecting the "Making a donation" category on the contact form) and let us know what you'd like to offer. If it's something we can use, we'll gladly provide you with a receipt that you can use to deduct the value of your contribution from your taxes.


Donations to CounterCorp are tax-deductible