2008 CounterCorp Film Festival

The Big Sellout — Documents the real outcomes when basic human necessities such as water, electricity, transportation, and healthcare are privatized (sold to corporations) on four major continents: essentially, higher prices for less service — or, if you're too poor to be able to afford it, no service at all.
Directed by Florian Optiz (Germany, 2006, 94 minutes)
GasHole — An eye-opening history and analysis of U.S. oil consumption and pricing, and the economic, political, and cultural effects of being the world's largest consumer and importer of oil. What (and/or who) is impeding efforts to change that fact, such as the development of alternative fuels?
GasHole — An eye-opening history and analysis of U.S. oil consumption and pricing, and the economic, political, and cultural effects of being the world's largest consumer and importer of oil. What (and/or who) is impeding efforts to change that fact, such as the development of alternative fuels?
Co-Directed by Jeremy Wagener and Scott D. Roberts. Narrated by actor Peter Gallagher (USA, 2008, 101 minutes)
Growing Awareness — An unvarnished look at a more sustainable alternative to the current globalized industrial food system, in which a relatively small number of giant, government-subsidized "agri-businesses" control what we eat.
Director Jade Ajani and local organic farmer Antonio Roman-Acala (Alemany Farm, San Francisco) will speak after the film (USA, 2008, 100 minutes).
"The True Cost of Oil" — A program of three short films that coincides with two civil lawsuits against Chevron Corporation, which is based in Richmond, California. Includes previews of two works-in-progress — The Naked Option and Sweet Crude — and Justicia Now! (USA, 2008, 30 minutes), which document Chevron's exploitation of people and the environment in Nigeria and Ecuador.
The films will be followed by an extended panel discussion including Nigerian activist Ayo Ajisebutu; Cindy Cohn, one of the plaintiffs attorneys in the Chevron lawsuits; Antonia Juhasz, author of The Tyranny of Oil; Martin O Brien and Robbie Proctor, co-directors of Justicia Now!; and Mitch Anderson of Amazon Watch.
Visioneers — A satirical look at the effects that corporate culture has on the employees at the largest, most profitable company in the history of the world. Starring former stand-up comedian Zach Galifianakis (Hangover, Into the Wild, NBC's "Boston Common", and Comedy Central).
"[T]ruly remarkable ... [A] funny, intriguing, and touching 'vision' ...
[A] singular work with its own eccentric aesthetic and joyous spirit"
— IndieExpress.com
[A] singular work with its own eccentric aesthetic and joyous spirit"
— IndieExpress.com
"[F]resh and invigorating ... [A] high-concept comedy ... [W]orks
magnificently ... [I]nsightful, intelligent" — Cinematical.com
"Movies like Visioneers are the reason we love to attend film festivals"
— eFilmCritic.com
Directed by Jared Drake. Q & A with scriptwriter Brandon Drake to follow film. Musical score by Tim DeLaughter of the Polyphonic Spree (USA, 2008, 94 mins.)
The World According to Monsanto — An Internet detective story that follows a trail of deception, devastation, and death left by a corporate serial killer whose weapons include bovine growth hormone, defoliants/herbicides/insecticides, dioxin, genetically-modified crops, PCBs, seed patents and other so-called "intellectual property".
Directed by Marie-Monique Robin (France, 2008, 109 minutes) In English with French subtitles.